Decagon Perimeter Calculator


Welcome to our Decagon Perimeter Calculator! Now, you will be able to calculate the perimeter of the decagon quickly and with high precision. A ten-sided closed polygon is called a decagon. The decagon has ten sides, ten interior angles, and ten vertices.

The interior angles of a decagon must be equal to 1440 degrees, and the exterior angles of a decagon must be equal to 360 degrees.

The perimeter of the decagon is the total distance around the shape, and it is obtained by adding the length of the sides. It is commonly measured in units like centimeters, inches, meters, feet, etc.

How to use the Decagon Perimeter Calculator?

Using the Decagon Perimeter calculator, you can calculate the perimeter of the decagon by inputting the length of one of the sides of the decagon.

The variables in the calculator include

Side (a) The length of the side of the decagon.

Perimeter (P) The sum of lengths of the ten sides of the decagon.

What is a Decagon?

A decagon is a two-dimensional closed figure having ten sides. The decagon also has ten interior angles and ten vertices.

Another point is that the sum of the interior angles of a decagon adds up to 1440 degrees, and the exterior angles add up to 360 degrees.

Basically, decagons can be classified into four types based on the length of their sides, the measure of their angles, and their vertices.

  1. Regular Decagon: if all ten sides and all ten angles of the Decagon are equal, then the Decagon is called a regular Decagon.
  2. Irregular Decagon: if the sides and the angles of the Decagon are not equal, then it is called an Irregular Decagon.
  3. Convex Decagon: if all of the vertices of the Decagon point outward, then it is called a Convex Decagon.
  4. Concave Decagon: if at least one of the vertex of the Decagon points inward, then it is called a Concave Decagon.

Properties of a Decagon

  1. A Decagon will have ten sides and ten angles.
  2. The interior angles of a Decagon to sum up to 1440 degrees.
  3. A Decagon has 35 diagonals.
  4. Each interior angle of a regular Decagon is equal to 144 degrees.

How is the Perimeter of the Decagon Calculated?

Perimeter is the distance around the shape, and, for a decagon, to calculate the perimeter, so we have to add the lengths of the sides of the decagon.

We can calculate the perimeter of the decagon by using the following formula.

P=10×aP = 10 \times a


a = Length of one side of the regular decagon.


Given a decagon with length of side equal to 12 cm. What is the perimeter of the decagon?

The perimeter of the decagon can be calculated by using the following formula

P=10×a=10×12=120  cm\begin{aligned} P &= 10 \times a \\[10pt] &= 10 \times 12 \\[10pt] &= 120 \; cm \end{aligned}

As shown above, in the calculation, the perimeter of the decagon is 120 cm.


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