Ellipse Area Calculator


Welcome to our Ellipse Area Calculator! which will help you calculate the ellipse’s area quickly and accurately. An ellipse is a closed two-dimensional figure which looks like a squished circle. The ellipse has two axes, major and minor axes. The longest diameter of an ellipse is called the major axis, whereas the shortest diameter of an ellipse is called the minor axis.

There are two focus points, F1 and F2, that lie on the major axis and the locus of the points such that the sum of the distances from F1 and F2 to those points will form the ellipse. The sum of the distances from the points on the ellipse will be equal to the length of the ellipse’s major axis.

The space occupied by the ellipse in a two-dimensional plane is called the area of the ellipse.

How to use the Ellipse Area Calculator?

Using the Ellipse area calculator, you can calculate the area of the ellipse by inputting the length of the values for the semi-minor axis and the semi-major axis.

The variables in the Ellipse Area Calculator include

Semi-Major Axis (a) The distance from the center to the farthest point on the ellipse.

Semi-Minor Axis Length (b) The distance from the center to the shortest point on the ellipse.

Area of the Ellipse (A) We can calculate the area of the ellipse by using the following formula.

A=π×a×bA = \pi \times a \times b


a = Half the length of the major axis or the distance from the center to the farthest point on the ellipse

b = Half the length of the minor axis or the distance from the center to the shortest point on the ellipse

What is an Ellipse?

An ellipse is a closed two-dimensional shape formed by connecting the points, where the sum of the distances from the focus points F1 and F2 is constant, and so both the focus points (together called the foci) lie on the major axis. The longest diameter of the ellipse is called the major axis. Whereas, the shorter diameter of the ellipse is called the minor axis.

The ellipse’s Eccentricity is defined as the ratio of the distance from the center to a focal point and the distance from that focus point to the co-vertex (also known as the length of the semi-major axis).

Eccentricity=ca\text{Eccentricity} = \normalsize \dfrac{c}{a}


c = The distance from the center to one of the foci

a = The distance from that focus point to the co-vertex.

The Eccentricity of an ellipse will always be less than one. If the eccentricity is 1, then the ellipse will be completely squished to a single line. If the eccentricity is 0, then the ellipse will become a circle.

Properties of an Ellipse

  1. An ellipse will have two focal points, F1 and F2, called foci.
  2. The sum of distances from the foci to any point on the ellipse will be a constant.
  3. The ellipse has two axes, a major axis, and a minor axis.
  4. The ellipse will have an eccentricity of less than 1.

How is the Area of the Ellipse Calculated?

The total space taken up by the Ellipse on a two-dimensional plane is called the area of the Ellipse. It could also be thought of as the number of square units required to fill the region inside the Ellipse. Hence the measurement will be in square units.

We can calculate the area of the Ellipse using the following formula, where we multiply the lengths of the semi-major axis and semi-minor axis with PI to get the value of the area.

A=π×a×bA = \pi \times a \times b


a = Length of the Semi-Major Axis

b = Length of the Semi-Minor Axis


Given an ellipse with the length of the major axis equal to 14 cm and the length of the minor axis equal to 6 cm. Find the area of the Ellipse.

So the length of the Semi-Major axis will be half the length of the Major axis.

a = 14/2 = 7 cm

So, the length of the Semi-Minor Axis will be half the length of the Minor Axis

b = 6/2 = 3 cm

We can calculate the area of the ellipse by using the following formula.

A=π×a×b=π×7×366  cm2\begin{aligned} A &= \pi \times a \times b \\[10pt] &= \pi \times 7 \times 3 \\[10pt] &\approx 66 \; cm^2 \end{aligned}

As shown above, in the example, the area of the ellipse is 66 sq cm.


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