Rhombus Perimeter Calculator


Welcome to our Rhombus Perimeter Calculator! using which you can calculate the Rhombus’ perimeter quickly and with ease. A Rhombus is a two-dimensional closed figure with four sides, where opposite sides are parallel, and all sides are of equal length. The rhombus is considered a special case of a parallelogram, in other words, an equilateral parallelogram.

The perimeter of the rhombus is the total distance around the shape. So, we obtain the perimeter by adding the length of each side. Generally, we measure it in units like centimeters, inches, meters, feet, etc.

How to use the Rhombus Perimeter Calculator?

Using the Rhombus Perimeter calculator, you can calculate the perimeter of the Rhombus by inputting the length of one of the sides of the rhombus.

The variables in the Rhombus Perimeter Calculator include

Side (a)
The length of the side of the rhombus.

Perimeter (P)
The sum of lengths of the four sides of the rhombus.

What is a Rhombus?

A rhombus is a closed polygon with four sides, and these four sides are of equal length. The opposite sides of the Rhombus are parallel to each other.

So, you might ask, what is the difference between a square and a Rhombus? The answer is that the angles of a rhombus need not necessarily have to be right angles, but for the square, the angles have to be right angles.

You could say that the square is a case of Rhombus where all the angles of the Rhombus are equal to 90 degrees.

Now, let’s look at the properties of the Rhombus are:

  1. All sides are equal
  2. The opposite sides are parallel.
  3. Opposite angles of a rhombus are equal.
  4. The sum of all interior angles in 360 degrees
  5. Diagonals bisect each other.
  6. The sum of two adjacent angles is equal to 180 degrees.

There are different names for the rhombus, like diamond or lozenge.

How is the Perimeter of the Rhombus Calculated?

Perimeter is the distance around the shape; for a rhombus, to calculate the perimeter, we have to add the lengths of the sides of the rhombus.

We can calculate the perimeter of the rhombus by using the following formula.

P=4×aP = 4 \times a


a = Length of one side of the rhombus


Given a rhombus with length of a side equal to 9 cm. What is the perimeter of the rhombus?

We can calculate the perimeter of the rhombus by using the following formula

P=4×a=4×9=36  cm\begin{aligned} P &= 4 \times a \\[10pt] &= 4 \times 9 \\[10pt] &= 36 \; cm \end{aligned}

As you can see from the above calculation, the perimeter of the rhombus is 36 cm.


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