Potential Energy Calculator


Potential energy is stored in a system because of the position of its parts, stresses within itself, or electric charge. Potential energy is a property of a system and not of an individual body. Our Potential Energy Calculator helps you calculate the system’s potential energy easily and quickly.

Kinetic energy is defined as the energy of a moving object. The potential energy of a system is converted to Kinetic Energy if a force is applied or if the system starts to move or fall.

The different types of potential energy include

  1. Gravitational Potential Energy
  2. Elastic Potential Energy
  3. Electrical Potential Energy
  4. Nuclear Potential Energy
  5. Chemical Potential Energy

How to use the Potential Energy Calculator?

Using the Potential Energy Calculator, you can calculate the potential energy of the system.

The types of Potential Energy we can calculate are

Calculate Gravitational Potential Energy

We can calculate the gravitational potential energy of the system by entering the values of the mass and height of the object.

The variables in the calculator include

Mass (m) The mass of the object

Acceleration due to gravity (g) The acceleration caused due to the influence of gravity

Height (h) The height of the object

Gravitational Potential Energy (PE) The amount of gravitational potential energy is due to the height and weight of the object. The following formula is used.

Gravitational PE=mgh\text{Gravitational PE} = mgh

Calculate Elastic Potential Energy

We can calculate the Elastic Potential Energy of the system by entering the values of the spring’s force constant and the spring’s displacement from compression or elongation.

The variables in the calculator include

Force Constant (k) The measure of the spring’s stiffness

Spring Displacement (x) The amount of stretching or compression of the spring. If spring is compressed, x will be negative; when spring is extended, x is positive.

Elastic Potential Energy (PE) The amount of elastic potential energy due to compression or elongation of the spring can be calculated using the following formula

Elastic PE=12kx2\text{Elastic PE} = \dfrac{1}{2}kx^2

What is Potential Energy?

Potential energy is the energy that is stored in the system depending upon the relative position of the various parts of the system. The potential energy stored can be converted to kinetic energy if the arrangement of the system’s parts changes, if any external force interacts with the system, or if the forces that the parts exert on each other change in some way.

There are multiple forms of potential energy

  1. Gravitational Potential Energy The potential energy of a system due to its weight and height above ground is called gravitational potential energy.
  2. Elastic Potential Energy The energy stored in a deformable object, such as a spring, is called elastic potential energy.
  3. Electrical Potential Energy The energy stored in the system when positive and negative electrical charges are separated from each other is called electrical potential energy.
  4. Nuclear Potential Energy The potential energy of the particles, such as protons and neutrons, is present inside an atom’s nucleus.
  5. Chemical Potential Energy chemical potential energy is the energy stored in the chemical bonds of a substance, and it can be released through a chemical reaction.

How is Gravitational Potential Energy Calculated?

Gravitational potential energy is calculated by using the following formula

Gravitational PE=mgh\text{Gravitational PE} = mgh


m → mass of the object

g → acceleration due to gravity

h → height of the object

How is Elastic Potential Energy Calculated?

Elastic potential energy is calculated by using the following formula

Elastic PE=12kx2 \text{Elastic PE} = \dfrac{1}{2}kx^2


k → Force constant of spring

x → Elongation of spring (spring displacement), x will be positive (> 0) if stretched, x will be negative (< 0) if compressed



What is the difference between potential energy and kinetic energy?

Potential energy is the energy an object possesses due to its position or configuration, while kinetic energy is the energy an object possesses due to its motion.

How does an object’s mass affect its potential energy?

The potential energy of an item is influenced by its mass; the more mass an object has, the more potential energy it possesses.

How does the elastic potential energy of an object relate to its position or configuration?

The energy that an item stores due to pressures brought on by compression or elongation are known as elastic potential energy. When an object is stretched or squeezed, it increases; when it is returned to its original position, it reduces.

How does the chemical potential energy of an object relate to its position or configuration?

The energy that an object has stored in it due to its chemical or atomic makeup is known as chemical potential energy. It is the energy that is released or absorbed during chemical processes.

How is potential energy used in everyday life?

Potential energy is used in many everyday applications, such as in the operation of hydroelectric power plants, where the potential energy of water stored behind a dam is converted into kinetic energy and used to generate electricity. It is also used in functioning spring-loaded devices, such as mousetraps, and in the charging of batteries, where chemical energy is stored as potential energy.

Can potential energy be converted into kinetic energy and vice versa?

Yes, potential energy can be converted into kinetic energy and vice versa. This happens when an object is lifted to a higher height. Its potential energy increases, and as it is released, it converts into kinetic energy. Similarly, when an object is lifted and slows down as it reaches its highest point, it converts kinetic energy into potential energy.


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