Sphere Surface Area Calculator


Welcome to Sphere Surface Area Calculator, which will help you calculate the Surface Area of a Sphere with ease. A sphere is a solid three-dimensional shape that is completely round and has no edges or vertices. Further, some real-world examples of spheres include balls, the Sun, the Moon, and soap bubbles in the air.

The distance from the center to any point on the sphere’s surface is always the same, and this distance is also known as the sphere’s radius. The sphere’s diameter is the length of a line segment from any point on the sphere’s surface to a point exactly opposite to it, consequently passing through the center of the sphere.

The surface area of the sphere is the total area covered by the sphere’s surface in three-dimensional space.

How to use Sphere Surface Area Calculator?

Using the sphere surface area calculator, you can calculate the sphere’s surface area by inputting the sphere’s radius.

The variables in the Sphere Surface Area Calculator include

Radius (r) The distance between the center of the sphere to any point on the surface of the sphere.

Surface Area (SA) The total area covered by the sphere’s surface in three-dimensional space.

What is a Sphere?

A sphere is a solid three-dimensional shape with no edges or vertices. So, any point on the sphere’s surface is at a fixed distance from the sphere’s center.

The distance from the center of the sphere to any point on the surface is also called the radius of the sphere.

Properties of a Sphere

  1. The sphere has no edges or vertices.
  2. The sphere is symmetrical about its center in all directions.
  3. The distance from the sphere’s center to the sphere’s surface is also called the radius.
  4. The surface of the sphere is continuous and smooth surface.

How is the Surface Area of the Sphere Calculated?

The sphere’s surface area is occupied by the sphere’s outer surface in three-dimensional space.

We can calculate the surface area of the sphere using the following formula.

SA=4πr2\text{SA} = 4 \pi r^2


r = is the radius of the sphere π (pi) = is a mathematical constant, approximately equal to 3.14159


Given a sphere with a radius of 7 cm. What is the surface area of the sphere?

The surface area of the sphere can be calculated using the following formula.

SA=4πr2=4π72=615.75  cm2\begin{aligned} \text{SA} &= 4 \pi r^2 \\[10pt] &= 4 \cdot \pi \cdot 7^2 \\[10pt] &= 615.75 \; cm^2 \end{aligned}

As shown above, the surface area of the sphere is 615.75 sq cm.


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